Music and sound, Un-Merch || MiasMatrix || a collaboration || blackstacks Gattaccicova GubbiAnn

MiasMatrix are Blackstacks, Gattaccicova and GubbiAnn

More: MiasMatrix

Post-punk with a hint of prog

Related events:

November 2019

30.Nov.2019 || a collaboration || Music and sound, Un-Merch || MiasMatrix || Private event || GubbiAnn Lun Ário blackstacks Gattacicova || Berlin || With Blackstacks at the drums, and Gattacicova at the keyboards, GubbiAnn and Lun Ário at th noise machines. At a party with performances in Wedding, near Osloerstr, behind Punjabi Market, from 20h on. PM if you want to come and need to know the location.

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