Music and sound, Un-Merch || GubbiAnn sound project || GubbiAnn

More: GubbiAnn sound project

GubbiAnn, based in Berlin, is for the moment a discreet sound dis/confort zone of person/s usually seen performing live with other names, constellations, and performance tools. Noise, ambient, improvisation, DIY, solidarity and collective collaboration, are not only methods but objectives to aim to. Mostly and entusiastically a collaborative project.

Related events:

September 2022

09.Sep.2022 || Music and sound, Un-Merch || GubbiAnn sound project || Kinky Noise || GubbiAnn NoaEatsMargulis || Amsterdam || GubbiAnn + NoaEatsMargulis! Performance/Music with candle play and other instruments of discipline.

March 2023

12.Mar.2023 || Music and sound, Un-Merch || GubbiAnn sound project || Lauschangriff Berlin || GubbiAnn NoaEatsMargulis || Berlin || GubbiAnn + NoaEatsMargulis! Performance/Music with candle play and other instruments of discipline.

December 2023

11.Dec.2023 || Music and sound, Un-Merch || GubbiAnn sound project || Ausland Berlin || Marina Cyrino || Berlin || GubbiAnn plays with Marina Cyrino. This is the second event of fem*noise. I am too lazy to add the whole line up, will do it later.

March 2024

18.Mar.2024 || Music and sound, Un-Merch || GubbiAnn sound project || Madame Claude || GubbiAnn || Berlin || With Mizuki and Alexandra Macia.

April 2024

06.Apr.2024 || Music and sound, Un-Merch || GubbiAnn sound project || Sentimental Punk || GubbiAnn || Berlin

Related videos:



Performance, Music, Concert


2020 || The Hatching || with: GubbiAnn Lun Ário

Rope meets noise, Performance, Music, Bondage



Related sounds:


2019 || Kabak Beach || with: GubbiAnn Sufus Hufus

2019 || Part I || with: GubbiAnn Sufus Hufus


Related press:

articles and interviews