Chiseling Clouds || GubbiAnn Lun Ário

More: Chiseling Clouds

Berlin-based "Chiseling Clouds", formerly called "Improvised Handmade Music", are Lun Ário and GubbiAnn. They play improvised electronic music creating noise and ambient soundscapes using instruments ranging from DIY oscillators, infra-red detectors, contact mikes, circuit bending or salvaged tape recorders, going through live sampling and mangling. Sometimes there are performative elements added. Collective project open to collaborations, chance meetings, failures and propagation. Nalu Blu, Notorische Ruhestörung, muqdisho, Marina Cyrino

Related events:

March 2019

June 2019

26.Jun.2019 || Chiseling Clouds || Art in Context - UdK || GubbiAnn Nalu Blu || Berlin || at Octogon. UdK (Einsteinufer 43-53, 10587 Berlin)

December 2019

June 2020

September 2020

12.Sep.2020 || Chiseling Clouds || Multiversal || GubbiAnn Dora Bleu || Berlin

26.Sep.2020 || Chiseling Clouds || Kultur Bahnhof Klein Warnow || GubbiAnn Lun Ário || Klein Warnow

December 2020

02.Dec.2020 || Chiseling Clouds || Loophole || GubbiAnn Dora Bleu || Berlin

August 2022

12.Aug.2022 || Chiseling Clouds || Arcanoa || GubbiAnn Lun Ário || Berlin

November 2022

17.Nov.2022 || Chiseling Clouds || Multiversal || GubbiAnn Lun Ário || Berlin || GubbiAnn and Lun Ário play at Multiversal anniversary at Ausland.

April 2023

June 2023

14.Jun.2023 || Chiseling Clouds || HOŠEK CONTEMPORARY || GubbiAnn Lun Ário Marina Cyrino || Berlin || GubbiAnn and Lun Ário play with Marina Cyrino

August 2023

06.Aug.2023 || Chiseling Clouds || Noiseberg || Ann Antidote Lun Ário || Berlin

23.Aug.2023 || Chiseling Clouds || HOŠEK CONTEMPORARY || GubbiAnn Lun Ário Notorische Ruhestörung || Berlin || GubbiAnn and Lun Ário play with Notorische Ruhestörung

December 2023

29.Dec.2023 || Chiseling Clouds || IKSK || GubbiAnn Lun Ário Tamandua Kinbaku Andy Buru || Berlin || We will play 4h of drone to the Perversion of Tea, by Andy Buru with Tamandua Kinbaku.

April 2024

03.Apr.2024 || Chiseling Clouds || IKSK || GubbiAnn Lun Ário || Berlin || EURIX 2024

10.Apr.2024 || Chiseling Clouds || Private event || GubbiAnn Lun Ário || Berlin || Trixxter

25.Apr.2024 || Chiseling Clouds || Untergrün || GubbiAnn Lun Ário || Berlin || Chiseling Clouds

May 2024

08.May.2024 || Chiseling Clouds || HOŠEK CONTEMPORARY || Ann Antidote Lun Ário || Berlin || Lun Ário (real time sampler) + GubbiAnn (4 track tape machine, live processing) with Fragrant Frequencies (aka the coffee making performance)

June 2024

26.Jun.2024 || Chiseling Clouds || Galerie Zeitzone || GubbiAnn Lun Ário Laura.All || Berlin || Chiseling Clouds with Laura.aLL and Sofia Salvo

July 2024

26-28.Jul.2024 || Chiseling Clouds || IKSK || GubbiAnn Lun Ário Tamandua Kinbaku Andy Buru || Berlin || We will play 4h of drone to the Perversion of Tea, by Andy Buru with Tamandua Kinbaku, at Explore 2024.

August 2024

28.Aug.2024 || Chiseling Clouds || HOŠEK CONTEMPORARY || GubbiAnn Lun Ário Marina Cyrino || Berlin || Lun Ário (real time sampler) + GubbiAnn (diy synths, no input) + Marina Cyrino (Flute)

Related sounds:


2019 || Kabak Beach || with: GubbiAnn Sufus Hufus

2019 || Part I || with: GubbiAnn Sufus Hufus

Related press:

articles and interviews